$ mkdir bzrobot_ws$ cd bzrobot_ws$ hg clone src$ catkin_make$ source devel/setup.sh(IP 请根据实际实时更新) 2.将本地代码推到代码仓库:wang@wang-Rev-1-0:~/bzrobot_ws/src$ hg pull
wang@wang-Rev-1-0:~/bzrobot_ws/src$ hg update
zhangzhen@Lenovo-B460:~/bzrobot_ws/src$ hg add
zhangzhen@Lenovo-B460:~$ gedit .bashrc在最后一行加入:export HGUSER="WangCaiJie"
zhangzhen@Lenovo-B460:~$ source .bashrc
zhangzhen@Lenovo-B460:~/bzrobot_ws/src$ hg commit -m"Modifying urdf and gazebo"zhangzhen@Lenovo-B460:~/bzrobot_ws/src$ hg push
3.用gh log查看更新信息
wang@wang-Rev-1-0:~/bzrobot_ws/src$ hg log4.一次上传记录
2、history|more分页显示3、vi /etc/profile找HISTSIZE=1000,说明你最多能存1000条历史记录。4、!!执行最近执行的命令5、history|head或者history |tail看记录的前几条或后几条6、!100 执行第100条记录7、fc -l 和history一样8、CTRL+r输入字符ls查询包含ls的命令9、history -c 清除以前的记录http://www.wallcopper.com/linux/593.html 1773 cd ~/bzrobot_ws3 1774 ls 1775 cd src 1776 hg status 1777 ls 1778 cd bzrobot/ 1779 ls 1780 cd .. 1781 ls 1782 find . -name *~ 1783 find . -name *~ -exec rm {} \; 1784 find . -name *~ 1785 ls 1786 cd bzrobot/ 1787 ls 1788 cd .. 1789 hg status 1790 hg addremove 1791 hg status 1792 hg pull 1793 hg update 1794 hg resolve 1795 diff 1796 hg resove 1797 hg resolve 1798 hg resolve --all 1799 cd bzrobot/bzrobot_comm/ 1800 ls 1801 hg merge CMakeLists.txt 1802 ls 1803 hg resolve CMakeLists.txt 1804 hg resolve CMakeLists.txt --mark 1805 gedit CMakeLists.txt 1806 hg resolve CMakeLists.txt 1807 cd scripts/ 1808 hg resolve rs232_encoder_pub_motor_sub.py --mark 1809 gedit rs232_encoder_pub_motor_sub.py 1810 hg resolve --help 1811 hg status 1812 hg addremove 1813 ls 1814 hg update 1815 hg status 1816 hg commit -u"Wang CaiJie" -m"Modify Rs232 encoding publisher, add stm32 usb to uart encoder publisher" 1817 hg resolve -all 1818 gedit rs232_encoder_pub_motor_sub.py 1819 hg resolve -m rs232_motor_sub.py 1820 hg resolve -m stm32_usbtouart_encoder_pub.py 1821 hg status 1822 hg resolve 1823 hg resolve --help 1824 hg resolve --help -a 1825 hg resolve -a 1826 hg log 1827 hg commit -u"Wang CaiJie" -m"Modify Rs232 encoding publisher, add stm32 usb to uart encoder publisher" 1828 hg log 1829 hg push
mkdir codes
cd codeslshg clone srclscd srclscd ..lscatkin_makelscd srclshg addremovehg statuslshg commit -uWangCaiJie -m"Upload bzrobot_comm and bzrobot_comm_src"hg statushg pushls
cd ..catkin_makecd srchg addremovehg commit -uZhangzhen -m"Upload bzrobot_msgs"hg pushlscd ..catkin_make